Committee Assignments
Jake is proud to Chair the Municipalities and Regional Government Committee and Vice Chair the Public Health Committee and the Tourism, Art & Cultural Development Committee.
Jake is also a member of the Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee, the Emergency Preparedness and Management Committee, the Election Laws Committee, and the Financial Services Committee.
The Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government consider matters seeking the enactment of special laws for a city or town, the establishment of economic, district, and local planning commissions, rent control, and zoning, and matters concerning the various counties, former counties, and regional government entities, including the salaries and tenure of employees, registers of deeds and sheriffs (but excluding the retirement of such employees) and such other matters as may be referred.
The Committee on Public Health considers all matters concerning the public health of the Commonwealth and other matters as referred.
The committee on Tourism, Arts, and Cultural Development considers all matters concerning tourism, arts, and cultural development in the Commonwealth, and other matters as referred.
The committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure considers all matters concerning consumer credit, consumer protection, the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages, the registration of various trades or professions, and other matters as referred.
The committee on Election Laws considers all matters concerning elections, election laws, and other matters as referred.
The Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management serves as an oversight and advisory committee to monitor and investigate issues related to emergency response and recovery. The committee may report, from time to time, with recommendations for legislative action, strategies, and innovations, based on their review of information or on the findings of investigations to equitably address emergency response needs and the safe recovery for all residents of the Commonwealth. The committee may coordinate with standing committees with relevant jurisdiction established pursuant to House Rule 17, Senate Rule 12, and Joint Rule 1 to develop such recommendations. Prior to making recommendations, the committee shall solicit input from members of the public and relevant experts. The joint standing committee shall further consider matters related to the pandemic and disaster preparedness and emergency management and communication.
The committee on Financial Services considers all matters concerning banks, banking institutions, credit unions, insurance companies, and insurance, including motor vehicle insurance, small loans, and other matters as referred.